Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bersyukur itu WAJIB

am writing untuk peringatan buat diri sendiri yang semakin hari semakin malas nak pergi kerja, may after this crap been put in writing, the old me who committed, dedicated and focus will prevailed, Insyallah.

Makandak do remember,

6 month ago you asked Allah SWT  to gave you new job....
which you get it at 1st try,
you should bersyukur for that.
You been offered more than what you asked for ........
You should bersyukur for that.

Makandak do remember,

Jangan sampai Allah murka dan tarik balik segala rezeki yang di beri,
You have a house, but its not yours
You have a good car, but its not yours as well
You have hundreds thousand worth of loan to pay
You have yourself, your 3 anak bebulus to feed everyday
You don't want your parents to risau about you... don't you???

Do WAKE UP!!!!!!

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