sat my 1st mid term exam this morning - managing corporate resources-, bit sad with my own performance, reading subject is always my weakness......still pray hard tho that the lecturer give high mark for some of question that i answered it correctly... even if its just 20% from overall courses, seems that i have to study much much harder for the remaining semester.
lets forget that and moving forward... there will be another exam on 18/6 for -managerial accounting-, need to put my all to ensure i got maximum point available. Ya Allah ya Tuhan ku, permudahan lah urusan menuntut ilmu ku ini, Ameen.
Put that aside, just want to share some good news, my beloved niece and nephew has registered last week for Amalina a.k.a kak uda at KUIS or Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor for Diploma in Nursing while Mohd Hanif a.k.a abang anip further his study in Engineering at International Islamic University Malaysia, to them both all the best. As promised makandak will get something special for you both, Insyallah. what it going to be... am still thinking????
this month, makandak got my annual bonus and i do believed with some increment on my salary, as i have yet to received official letter from the HRM, i'm not so sure how much that will be, how come it so late???, its due to the fact that our company annual accounting period will only be closed this coming 30th. June 2011 (1st. July 2010 - 30th. June 2011). Alhamdulillah anyway, so i will get my new kitchen soon, insyallah:)..
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