salam mok teh......
Petang td PUTRA problem lg.... 1st time in 2008 , almost take one hour frm KLCC to Terminal Putra.... so frustrating, semua planned need to be adjust accordingly...... dugaan....
nak driving ke opis.... jam everywhere.... bila la transportation system kat kl ni nak efficient mcm kat sydney.. at least.
esok mak andak plan nak p ijn ambik stock ubat mak for another three month, itu pun kalau sempat ambik time out sekejap dah mengantuk la pulak... so as promised this afternoon, ni la rupenya mountain bike pok su..... tak tahu la bila dia nak cyclingnya. nanti kalau mok teh balik malaysia boleh la p cycling.....
miss u so so so so much...... do take care.
cantik basikal Pok Su. Bolehla pinjam bawak p Sydney (-:
hehe... nak pinjam kena la tanya tuan punya... nak tahu apa kawan mak andak kata about PUTRA punya problem tu.... The PUTRA was built in Germany, kat sana tak de petir n kilat mcm kat Malaysia.... so PUTRA tu tak de protection against kilat n petir, than bila hujan lebat + petir n kilat.... selau jd power failure... how embrassing, kita yg order pada mak andak kita kena la beritahu apa specification yg kita nak... did you agree with me? hope so....
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